LED Controller

The LED Controller example application controls up to two 3W RGB LEDs. Using the LED Controller application, you can control each LED directly or via the IzoT network using the demo Web pages, as shown in the LED Control Web page.  You can turn each LED on or off, dim each LED if it supports dimming, and set the color of each LED that supports color.


The LED Controller example application also supports up to two pressure sensors. Each corresponds to one of the two LEDs (sensor 1 to LED 1, sensor 2 to LED 2), and reads a pressure value from a hardware FSR sensor; when the detected pressure is over a given limit (configurable in the source code).  The corresponding LED brightness is dimmed up/down continuously. To stop dimming, let go of the pressure sensor. The pressure sensor value is not shared over the IzoT network.

While running the LED Controller offers a connection target for the first LED on the LED Controller that Keypad devices can use to create keypad to LED connections.


In a typical demo setup, each LED will be controlled in both brightness and (if an RGB led) color by the keypad script (see Touch Keypad) over the network from the Web pages, and optionally in brightness only by the corresponding local pressure sensor.