Echelon U10/U20 Network Interface Driver for Mac OS X ReadMe
Release 1.0, February 6, 2006


Copyright © 2006 Echelon Corporation
All Rights Reserved


1  Overview

This network interface driver provides the required support for the Echelon U10/U20 USB Network Interfaces on Mac OS X .  Applications that use the de facto standard OpenLDV functions (ldv_open, ldv_read, ldv_write, ldv_close) can be used with the network interface driver.  For more information on OpenLDV, download the OpenLDV Developer's Kit from

This network interface driver is licensed for royalty-free use exclusively with Echelon's U10/U20 USB Network Interfaces.

This file contains important information about this network interface driver.  Additional information and updates, including critical updates, may be available in Echelon’s Downloads Web page at

2  System Requirements

3  Installation

  1. Download and upzip the file
  2. Install the FTDI USB Virtual COM Port (VCP) Driver kernel extension available from the disk image FTDIUSBSerialDriver_v2_1_0.dmg.  For further details, review the driver's installation guide FTDIUSBSerialDriver_InstallationGuide.pdf.  If you wish, check for an updated version of this driver.
  3. Install the UsbLta Framework by dragging UsbLta.framework from the top level folder to e.g. /Library/Frameworks.
  4. Insert the U10/U20 USB Network Interface into an available USB port.
  5. The driver for the U10/U20 should now appear in the /dev folder.  To find the driver, in a Terminal window execute the following command:
        # ls /dev/tty.u*
    You should see one or more device drivers of the form /dev/tty.usbserial-009AEEBD.  When using an OpenLDV application, you will specify the 8 hexadecimal number as the driver name.
  6. The NodeUtil application can optionally be used to test the readiness of the U10/U20 network interface, or to perform network maintenance or diagnostic operations.  To run NodeUtil, specify the 8-character serial number that you obtained from step 5 above the -D option. If using a U20, also specify the -S option, for example:
       # NodeUtil -D009AEEBD -S

    Documentation for NodeUtil is provided in the file NODEUTIL.TXT.

  7. You are now ready to run an OpenLDV compatible application.  For more information on how to program to the OpenLDV functions, download the OpenLDV Developer's Kit from  The ported headers for writing an OpenLDV application are in the UsbLta.framework.


4  License

The license that governs the use of this network interface driver is is agreed to before downloading this software from Echelon's Web site.  The license is also available from the top level of the archive as License.htm.

5  Technical Support

This network interface driver is not supported by Echelon.  However, you may be able to get assistance from others on Echelon's WebBoard available at  If you have feedback, we'd still like to hear from you.  See the Feedback section below.

6  Feedback

Echelon welcomes your feedback on this network interface driver.  Please send feedback to