OpenLDV™ Software Development Kit (SDK) ReadMe
Release 4.0, August 2011

Copyright © 2004 – 2011 Echelon Corporation
All Rights Reserved


1       Overview

This file contains important information not included in the OpenLDV Programmer's Guide.  Additional information and updates, including critical updates, may be available at

Please refer to the OpenLDV Network Driver ReadMe document in addition to this ReadMe document, for a reference to known problems and documentation updates.

2       Contents

1        Overview.. 1

2        Contents. 1

3        System Requirements. 1

4        Installation. 2

5        Known Problems and Workarounds. 2

5.1         OpenLDV API example discovery mechanism fails. 2

6        Documentation. 2

7        License. 3

8        Technical Support 3

3        System Requirements


Note: OpenLDV 4.0 runs as a 32-bit application on both 64-bit and 32-bit versions of Windows.  It cannot be called from a 64-bit client application.  In order to use OpenLDV on 64-bit Windows, the OpenLDV client application must be compiled as a 32-bit application.  For unmanaged C++ applications built using Windows compilers, this means that the application must be build for the “Win32” platform, not the “x64” platform.  For managed .NET applications (such as C#), this means that the application must be built for the “x86” platform, not the “x64” or “Any CPU” platforms.

4       Installation

The OpenLDV SDK is distributed within a single-file executable installer.  The OpenLDV 4.0 Network Driver must also be installed on the computer to allow the examples in the OpenLDV SDK to function properly.

The LNS Server distribution includes and installs the OpenLDV runtime software.  If the target computer will not include the LNS Server distribution, you can to distribute and install the OpenLDV runtime software to enable your application to communicate with a network interface.  It is available from

It does not matter whether you install the OpenLDV Network Driver or the OpenLDV SDK first—there is no installation order dependency.

5       Known Problems and Workarounds

The following are known OpenLDV SDK problems and their workarounds.  The numbers in parentheses at the end of the problem descriptions are Echelon's internal problem tracking IDs.

5.1       OpenLDV API example discovery mechanism fails

The OpenLDV Example does not check for failed message completion codes for the device discovery mechanism that it implements.  Because of this, it can get false positive responses, and build up a database of non-existent devices.  (57337)

6       Documentation

The OpenLDV Programmer's Guide is included in the OpenLDV SDK and is also available from Echelon's Web site.  Refer to the OpenLDV Programmer's Guide for detailed information about the use of the OpenLDV software including how to develop OpenLDV applications using the OpenLDV SDK.

After installing the OpenLDV SDK, the OpenLDV Programmer's Guide will be available from the shortcut found in the Echelon OpenLDV program folder.

7       License

Use of the OpenLDV SDK is subject to the terms of the Echelon Example Software License Agreement which is available at

Use of the OpenLDV Network Driver is subject to the terms of the license contained in the license_OpenLDV.htm file in the LonWorks OpenLDV folder after the OpenLDV Network Driver is installed.

8       Technical Support

Technical support for the OpenLDV SDK is available from Echelon.  See for details.