Device Class File Format

An IzoT device class file is an XML document that the IzoT Server uses to map an IzoT application interface to the IzoT REST interface for a specified program ID.  When a device is discovered, the IzoT Server searches the etc/lonbridge/classes directory for a device class file with a matching program ID. The following table lists the XML elements contained in a device class file.

Element Description
<attribute> Defines the attributes for a device
<attributes> Container element for the device attributes that are present on the device
<byte> Defines the fields within a datapoint
<device> Defines the device class, and is the top-most element within a device class file
<enum> Enumerates each datapoint defined for an <attribute> element
<nv> Defines the bytes that are sent on the IzoT network for a datapoint update to or from the device
<nvs> Container element for the datapoints defined for each <attribute> element