
The Dashboard tab provides a live look at the example Web pages home page.  The display on this page reflects the example devices using the IzoT Server. Upon startup, the Dashboard queries the IzoT Server for example devices. As the IzoT Server responds with devices, the Dashboard automatically adds supported devices to the display.  If you later add a new supported device to the network, you will see a message asking if you want to reload the Dashboard to reflect it, or continue with the Dashboard as shown. The Dashboard is split into panels that reflect the LED lights themselves and also reflect results from the environment sensor in panels for temperature, humidity, light sensor, and occupancy.

In addition to LEDs and environment sensors, you can include keypads on your platform. These, too, can work with the Dashboard.


Once the LEDs appear in a panel, you can control them from the dashboard one at a time, or as a group.  You can also set scenes to activate all LEDs in your environment.  If you are setting a scene, the information is first sent to the keypads, and then to the LEDs.  Scenes are defined in the LED Controller per LED.  They are set using the pull down menu on the dashboard.  If you are working with the LEDs individually, you can turn them on and off and change colors one LED at a time using the dashboard display panel.


LEDs consume power, which is reflected on the dashboard in the power gauge reading Total Power.  A one-minute history of power is charted next to the gauge.


The environment sensor displays on the dashboard as Temperature, Humidity, Light Sensor, and Occupancy.  If you have one environment sensor, the data displayed on the dashboard will reflect the exact readings.  If you have more than one environment sensor, the reading will reflect an average of the sensors.  The highest and lowest readings will also be shown.  Occupancy reflects the state detected by the environment sensor as occupied or unoccupied.


The dashboard has six tabs; the dashboard tab itself, the home tab, followed by tabs labeled: LEDs for LED color selection, Sensors for configuring the environment sensors, Charts for environment sensor displays, Device Browser to display device output, and a Test page.


Web page error messages are displayed at the bottom of the Dashboard.  Error messages remain displayed until the error is cleared.  There is a Clear Error button located next to the error messages.