
The Charts tab provides a charting function that displays a dataoints values in a chart and in a table. The chart is color-coordinated to the table shown on the same page. In the Chart, you can mouse over the dots, diamonds, and circles on the chart to see output corresponding to that device.


You can manually select which Device datapoints are visible on the chart and datapoint table. You can search for datapoints with a common name that is available for multiple devices.  The Chart defaults to doing a search for illuminance datapoints which is a common datapoint for the IzoT SDK examples.


To search for one or more datapoints change the Devices selector to Search For and then type the search string in the Datapoints box and then click Search. Following are example search strings:



The datapoint table shows all datapoints that are being monitored.  Each datapoint in the table has a Chart color for the datapoint, a check box that you can use to select which dataponts are shown in the chart, a Datapoint ID, Device Name, Datapoint Name, Latest Value, Last time the IzoT Server updated the Latest Value, Min and Max values for numeric values and a Display button. Select the Device Info check box to see the datapoint device’s Device ID, Unique ID (neuron ID), and Device Type.


You can export the datapoint values to a text .csv file. To export values, click the Export button. Depending on what Web browser you use, if you open the exported file in Excel, you may find that Excel doesn’t always show the full Last Update time due to the cell format. If this happens you can change the cell format for timestamps to “m/d/yyyy h:mm:ss AM/PM” to see the complete timestamp.


You can display all stored datapoint values for a specific datapoint in the Datapoint Value table at the bottom of the page. To display values, click the Display button.


You can clear the logged data or pause the output using the buttons above the table. To clear all saved data values in both the chart and table, click the Clear Chart button. You can pause display updates so that the chart and table are not updated while you zoom and browse data. To pause display update, click the Pause button. To stop all polling, clear the Poll Data check box.